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Runtime API Examples

更新于:2 年前

This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

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          "text": "Vitepress 开发问题",
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          "text": "ReactNative 开发问题",
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          "text": "Github 问题记录",
          "link": "/problem/github"
          "text": "Git 开发问题",
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              "text": "Typescript 开发问题记录",
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              "text": "Eslint 配置",
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              "text": "前端服务监控SDK",
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              "text": "Scss 封装函数",
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              "text": "Tailwind 开发技巧",
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                "text": "Css 设计网站推荐",
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                "text": "日常踩坑(杂乱)",
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            "text": "Vscode 开发问题",
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            "text": "Shell 开发问题",
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            "text": "浏览器插件开发踩坑",
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            "text": "Markdown Examples",
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            "text": "Runtime API Examples",
            "link": "/problem/api-examples"
        "text": "Typescript",
        "items": [
            "text": "Typescript(tsconfig详解)",
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            "text": "Typescript 开发问题记录",
            "link": "/problem/typescript"
        "text": "工程化记录",
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            "text": "浏览器插件开发踩坑",
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            "text": "Markdown Examples",
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            "text": "Runtime API Examples",
            "link": "/problem/api-examples"
        "text": "Typescript",
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            "text": "Typescript(tsconfig详解)",
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            "text": "Typescript 开发问题记录",
            "link": "/problem/typescript"
        "text": "工程化记录",
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            "text": "Rsbuild 开发问题",
            "link": "/project/rsbuild"
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            "text": "Eslint 配置",
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            "link": "/project/monitor"
            "text": "桌面端应用开发",
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        "text": "系统问题记录",
        "items": [
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            "link": "/systems/mac"
            "text": "Win 开发问题",
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            "text": "Chrome 开发记录",
            "link": "/systems/chrome"
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        "text": "日常开发记录",
        "items": [
            "text": "Vue 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/vue"
            "text": "Vitepress 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/vitepress"
            "text": "Css 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/css"
            "text": "ReactNative 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/react-native"
            "text": "Github 问题记录",
            "link": "/problem/github"
            "text": "Git 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/git"
            "text": "Vscode 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/vscode"
            "text": "Node 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/node"
            "text": "Shell 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/shell"
            "text": "React 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/react"
            "text": "Javascript 开发问题",
            "link": "/problem/javascript"
            "text": "Nextui 开发记录",
            "link": "/problem/nextui"
            "text": "Next.js 踩坑",
            "link": "/problem/next-js"
            "text": "Figma 开发记录",
            "link": "/problem/figma"
            "text": "浏览器插件开发踩坑",
            "link": "/problem/extension"
            "text": "Markdown Examples",
            "link": "/problem/markdown-examples"
            "text": "Runtime API Examples",
            "link": "/problem/api-examples"
        "text": "Typescript",
        "items": [
            "text": "Typescript(tsconfig详解)",
            "link": "/problem/typescript-config"
            "text": "Typescript 开发问题记录",
            "link": "/problem/typescript"
        "text": "工程化记录",
        "items": [
            "text": "Vite 开发问题",
            "link": "/project/vite"
            "text": "Rsbuild 开发问题",
            "link": "/project/rsbuild"
            "text": "AST 学习记录",
            "link": "/project/ast"
            "text": "Eslint 配置",
            "link": "/project/eslint"
            "text": "前端服务监控SDK",
            "link": "/project/monitor"
            "text": "桌面端应用开发",
            "link": "/project/desktop"
        "text": "系统问题记录",
        "items": [
            "text": "Mac 开发问题",
            "link": "/systems/mac"
            "text": "Win 开发问题",
            "link": "/systems/win"
            "text": "Chrome 开发记录",
            "link": "/systems/chrome"
    "/feature": [
        "text": "DX 开发者体验",
        "items": [
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            "link": "/feature/deploy"
            "text": "Vscode 特性配置",
            "link": "/feature/vscode"
            "text": "Vscode 插件开发",
            "link": "/feature/vscode-plugin"
            "text": "Webstorm 特性配置",
            "link": "/feature/webstorm"
            "text": "正则表达式技巧",
            "link": "/feature/regexp"
            "text": "正则通用功能函数",
            "link": "/feature/regexp-fn"
            "text": "Node CLI 开发",
            "link": "/feature/node-cli"
        "text": "css 开发框架知识",
        "items": [
            "text": "Scss 常用知识点",
            "link": "/css-library/knowledge"
            "text": "Scss 开发技巧",
            "link": "/css-library/dev-skill"
            "text": "Scss 封装函数",
            "link": "/css-library/function"
            "text": "Tailwind 开发技巧",
            "link": "/css-library/tailwind-skill"
        "text": "摸鱼工具",
        "items": [
            "text": "阅读器",
            "link": "/play/epub-reader"
    "/play": [
        "text": "DX 开发者体验",
        "items": [
            "text": "自动化部署",
            "link": "/feature/deploy"
            "text": "Vscode 特性配置",
            "link": "/feature/vscode"
            "text": "Vscode 插件开发",
            "link": "/feature/vscode-plugin"
            "text": "Webstorm 特性配置",
            "link": "/feature/webstorm"
            "text": "正则表达式技巧",
            "link": "/feature/regexp"
            "text": "正则通用功能函数",
            "link": "/feature/regexp-fn"
            "text": "Node CLI 开发",
            "link": "/feature/node-cli"
        "text": "css 开发框架知识",
        "items": [
            "text": "Scss 常用知识点",
            "link": "/css-library/knowledge"
            "text": "Scss 开发技巧",
            "link": "/css-library/dev-skill"
            "text": "Scss 封装函数",
            "link": "/css-library/function"
            "text": "Tailwind 开发技巧",
            "link": "/css-library/tailwind-skill"
        "text": "摸鱼工具",
        "items": [
            "text": "阅读器",
            "link": "/play/epub-reader"
    "/css-library": [
        "text": "DX 开发者体验",
        "items": [
            "text": "自动化部署",
            "link": "/feature/deploy"
            "text": "Vscode 特性配置",
            "link": "/feature/vscode"
            "text": "Vscode 插件开发",
            "link": "/feature/vscode-plugin"
            "text": "Webstorm 特性配置",
            "link": "/feature/webstorm"
            "text": "正则表达式技巧",
            "link": "/feature/regexp"
            "text": "正则通用功能函数",
            "link": "/feature/regexp-fn"
            "text": "Node CLI 开发",
            "link": "/feature/node-cli"
        "text": "css 开发框架知识",
        "items": [
            "text": "Scss 常用知识点",
            "link": "/css-library/knowledge"
            "text": "Scss 开发技巧",
            "link": "/css-library/dev-skill"
            "text": "Scss 封装函数",
            "link": "/css-library/function"
            "text": "Tailwind 开发技巧",
            "link": "/css-library/tailwind-skill"
        "text": "摸鱼工具",
        "items": [
            "text": "阅读器",
            "link": "/play/epub-reader"
    "/author": [
        "text": "个人记录",
        "items": [
            "text": "生活经历",
            "link": "/author/myself"
            "text": "个人作品",
            "link": "/author/works"
            "text": "面试反问",
            "link": "/author/interview"
            "text": "面试算法",
            "link": "/author/algorithm"
            "text": "面试知识",
            "link": "/author/interview-knowledge"
            "text": "工作经历",
            "link": "/author/work-experience"
            "text": "开源经历",
            "link": "/author/experience"
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    "pattern": "",
    "text": "在 GitHub 编辑此页"
  "lastUpdatedText": "最后更新于",
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    "copyright": "MIT License © 2023 <a href=\"\">winchesHe</a>"
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Page Frontmatter

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Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.

Made with ❤️