字数:25 字
预计:1 分钟
更新于:7 个月前
- nextui-cli - vite-template12月 8nextui-cli - feat: prompt to choose agent when it cant be detected and some optimizations (#122) - 12:18 中午nextui-cli - fix(upgrade): missing packages use min required and peerDep shoud use latest version (#121) - 12:16 中午vite-template - feat: use exactly package version - 8:45 早上
- auto-mock - nextui-cli-sync6月 18auto-mock - feat: add eslint - 2:45 凌晨nextui-cli-sync - feat: remove - 2:23 凌晨
- react-components-library - ts-start-template6月 8react-components-library - feat: remove unless typo - 6:33 早上react-components-library - ci: update - 4:29 下午react-components-library - feat: init netlify - 4:26 下午ts-start-template - docs: remove unless typo - 6:33 早上ts-start-template - feat: 新增react-components-library template - 6:27 早上
- react-components-library - ts-start-template6月 7react-components-library - feat: add manager pkg - 12:26 中午react-components-library - ci: 添加自动部署 - 12:25 中午react-components-library - feat: init docs - 12:09 中午react-components-library - feat: init with playground - 10:09 上午ts-start-template - feat: update tsup version - 8:30 早上
- wes-utils-monorepo4月 29wes-utils-monorepo - feat: add judge const - 2:42 下午wes-utils-monorepo - feat: optimize type - 10:09 上午wes-utils-monorepo - feat: optimize - 8:37 早上wes-utils-monorepo - feat: add greaterThan - 8:34 早上wes-utils-monorepo - feat: add example - 5:12 凌晨wes-utils-monorepo - feat: add comment - 2:47 凌晨
- next-app-template - next-pages-template4月 27next-app-template - feat: update docs and tailwin - 7:35 早上next-pages-template - docs: update README - 7:33 早上
- nextui-cli-sync - supermarket4月 26nextui-cli-sync - feat: upgrade command add peerDep upgrade (#30) - 5:35 下午supermarket - fix - 3:11 凌晨supermarket - test: again - 3:10 凌晨supermarket - update - 3:08 凌晨supermarket - ci - 3:04 凌晨supermarket - test: ci - 3:03 凌晨supermarket - feat: add ci test - 3:02 凌晨
- nextui-cli-sync - wes-utils-monorepo4月 25nextui-cli-sync - feat: optimize removeDep type (#53) - 7:25 晚上nextui-cli-sync - fix: output component lose alignment (#54) - 7:24 晚上wes-utils-monorepo - feat: add IntRange and Increase - 6:21 早上wes-utils-monorepo - feat: 新增联合类型的key和value合并到一个对象 - 3:45 凌晨wes-utils-monorepo - feat: 注释 - 3:15 凌晨wes-utils-monorepo - feat: 新增联合类型转顺序元组 - 3:14 凌晨
- nextui-cli-sync4月 15nextui-cli-sync - docs: Update README.md (#23) - 3:45 下午nextui-cli-sync - docs: changelog remove (#22) - 3:45 下午nextui-cli-sync - feat: init changelog (#21) - 2:34 下午nextui-cli-sync - feat: add version alert (#19) - 2:00 下午nextui-cli-sync - fix: repair add and remove issues (#20) - 1:59 下午nextui-cli-sync - feat: init remove command (#15) - 8:56 晚上nextui-cli-sync - feat: init add command (#13) - 8:55 晚上nextui-cli-sync - docs: update README.md (#18) - 8:53 晚上
- git-cli - ts-start-template3月 28git-cli - update: pkg - 5:19 凌晨git-cli - feat: add bumpp - 5:12 凌晨git-cli - fix: style error - 5:12 凌晨git-cli - feat: add pnpm color output - 5:09 凌晨ts-start-template - feat: add miss bumpp - 9:40 上午ts-start-template - feat: remove eslint redundant - 9:38 上午ts-start-template - feat: add eslint copy - 9:37 上午ts-start-template - feat: add conventional-changelog-cli dev dependencies - 6:31 早上
- chatgpt-cmd-cli - slidev-gpt-cli - ts-start-template10月 22chatgpt-cmd-cli - feat: 完成fix功能mac开发 - 11:05 中午slidev-gpt-cli - feat: 更新文档 - 9:52 上午ts-start-template - feat: update 跟新依赖版本 - 9:00 上午
- vscode-plugin-goto-define-better8月 26vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - feat: 更新tree的刷新功能 - 3:21 凌晨vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - update: logo - 2:48 凌晨
- vscode-plugin-goto-define-better8月 21vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - feat: tree 新增折叠功能 - 9:47 上午vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复tree的空值展示 - 4:18 凌晨vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复tree和tab展示问题 - 4:10 凌晨vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - feat: 添加tree开关配置 - 3:44 凌晨vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复free展示 - 3:44 凌晨vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - feat: 完成tree的按键功能 - 4:28 下午
- vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - vue2-cli8月 15vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复配置错乱问题 - 2:17 凌晨vue2-cli - fix: 修复tag名称用kebabCase - 1:30 凌晨
- vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - vue2-cli8月 14vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - feat: 新增组件库功能配置 - 3:25 下午vue2-cli - fix: 不合法tag去除 - 1:08 下午vue2-cli - update: 去除末尾换行 - 12:37 中午vue2-cli - update: 更新提示信息 - 12:34 中午vue2-cli - feat: 新增解析告警 - 9:11 上午vue2-cli - fix: 修复组件数组匹配规则 - 9:04 上午vue2-cli - fix: 修复docs赋值 - 9:04 上午vue2-cli - fix: 修复docs的参数使用,docs文档跳转,parse 兼容错误 - 8:55 早上vue2-cli - fix: 修复prefix赋值和ext判断问题 - 2:35 凌晨
- vscode-plugin-goto-define-better8月 11vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复moreFile匹配规则,当换行显示时匹配不上完整的 - 8:14 早上vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复组件库跳转和hover不全的问题 - 1:41 凌晨
- vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - vscode-plugin-js-goto-definition-alias8月 10vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - update: 更新文档进度 - 1:17 下午vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - fix: 修复组件智能补全<多余的问题 - 12:15 中午vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - update: README - 8:09 早上vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - update: 文档更新 - 6:23 早上vscode-plugin-goto-define-better - feat: 完成全局组件智能补全提示 - 6:23 早上vscode-plugin-js-goto-definition-alias - fix: 修复import()内的注释chunkName导致无法识别路径 - 9:41 上午
- Idux-interactive-histoire - plugin-vscode-markdown-add-syntax-mark6月 1Idux-interactive-histoire - docs: 更新主页 - 3:01 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - chore: update import method - 2:44 下午plugin-vscode-markdown-add-syntax-mark - chore: update config - 3:47 凌晨
- Awesome-15docs - Library-Docs5月 1Awesome-15docs - chore: add renovate config - 3:43 下午Library-Docs - style: 优化主页展示 - 2:10 下午Library-Docs - feat: 添加底部开源信息 - 2:05 下午Library-Docs - update README - 1:55 下午Library-Docs - feat(vite): 编写vite插件添加贡献者|源代码|更新时间 - 1:54 下午Library-Docs - feat: 新增log函数 - 1:47 下午Library-Docs - feat(vite): 编写vite插件添加示例代码 - 1:34 凌晨
- chatGPT-prompt-scripts4月 21chatGPT-prompt-scripts - update: version - 3:32 凌晨chatGPT-prompt-scripts - feat: 新增是否自动发送和固定 - 3:29 凌晨
- plugin-vscode-exchange-words11月 22plugin-vscode-exchange-words - chore: update version - 4:18 下午plugin-vscode-exchange-words - update: optimize command - 4:15 下午
- Idux-interactive-histoire11月 16Idux-interactive-histoire - update: change Enum2Tuple name - 3:51 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - update: optimize Enum2Tuple type - 3:27 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: add UnionObjectKeysToObject - 11:34 中午Idux-interactive-histoire - chore: add netlify config - 5:28 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: remove setInterval - 4:54 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: init proTextarea story - 4:53 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: pathe instead path - 4:53 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - chore: add less - 4:52 下午
- Idux-interactive-histoire11月 15Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: repair gen cdk file and title - 3:39 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: init breakpoint cdk component - 3:35 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: init accessibility cdk component - 3:35 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - style: optimize title - 3:34 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - chore: change only collect .vue file - 3:32 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: init proSearch components - 10:36 上午Idux-interactive-histoire - chore: add cdk pro types - 10:36 上午Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: describe dark - 8:54 早上Idux-interactive-histoire - docs: finish divider story md - 7:29 早上Idux-interactive-histoire - update: optimize divider display - 7:28 早上Idux-interactive-histoire - update: finish divider story - 7:21 早上Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: add HstButtonGroup type - 7:21 早上Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: repair constant template - 7:20 早上
- Idux-interactive-histoire11月 14Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: repair create default value - 3:38 下午Idux-interactive-histoire - fix: repair create with components name - 2:46 凌晨Idux-interactive-histoire - feat: add typeTools - 1:50 凌晨Idux-interactive-histoire - refactor: change the create methods - 1:48 凌晨Idux-interactive-histoire - chore: add cSpell words - 1:46 凌晨
- 15-doc11月 315-doc - style: vscode_tip update - 5:32 下午15-doc - update: README.mdCo-authored-by: yang1206 <yangjunwei@haocean.com>
Co-authored-by: winchesHe <329487092@qq.com> - 5:28 下午15-doc - update: README.mdCo-authored-by: yang1206 <yangjunwei@haocean.com>
Co-authored-by: winchesHe <32948709@qq.com> - 5:27 下午15-doc - update: README.mdCo-authored-by: yang1206 <yangjunwei@haocean.com>
Co-authored-by: winchesHe <32948709@qq.com.com> - 5:25 下午15-doc - update README.mdCo-authored-by: yang1206 <yangjunwei@haocean.com> - 5:24 下午15-doc - update README.mdupdate README.md - 5:18 下午15-doc - docs: update mess - 4:30 下午
- nest-jwt-socket-cli - next-hwc7月 9nest-jwt-socket-cli - feat: 新增跨域请求支持 - 9:10 上午next-hwc - feat: socket-io支持 - 2:38 下午next-hwc - feat: 新增react-redux与@reduxjs/toolkit做状态管理 - 10:27 上午next-hwc - fix: 修复styled-components 报错: Warning: Prop `className` did not match. Server - 9:09 上午next-hwc - feat: 新增axios网络请求模块 - 9:08 上午next-hwc - feat: 新增styled-components,antd库 - 8:42 早上next-hwc - Initial commit from Create Next App - 8:01 早上